An issue was discovered in Sercomm AGCOMBO VD625-Smart Modem – Firmware version: AGSOT_2.1.0, there is a CRLF Injection vulnerability via the header field “Content-Disposition“.
The Sercomm AGCOMBO VD625-Smart Modem is a CPE (Customer-premises equipment) made by Sercomm for the various ISPs (Internet service providers). The device in which the vulnerability was found is the one for TIM (Telecom Italia).

The vulnerability described below refers specifically to the firmware version: AGSOT_2.1.0 in the image below there are complete information of the device where the vulnerability was found.

The device expose a web interface for management, it is possible to create a modified http request to the web server, just putting a .txt or other type of extension in the url of GET request, the device thinks it is a download request. Then the system takes the contents of the url that we insert and puts it in the header field “Content-Disposition” and the system will try to download this file.
This header field is not properly sanitized, so it is possible to use the CRLF technique(\r\n) to force the header to wrap by inserting a new line and then insert other header fields as desired in the http response.

As we can see in the image, we were able to inject the CRLFInjection cookie using the CRLF technique (encoding the values \r\n with %0d%0a) in the GET request with the url test.txt. In short, the system takes the url as input and puts it in the “Content-Disposition” field and it tries to download the selected “file”, but when it finds the CRLF field it wraps the header and adds other header fields that we have concatenated in the url.
While it does not appear to be a serious impact on the system, theoretically a possible attacker could find a way to use it to compromise the system by loading malicious code or it could even lead to an XSS.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Program has assigned the ID CVE-2021-27132 to this issue. This is a record on the CVE List, which standardizes names for security problems.
For more info about CRLF injection:
Vulnerability timeline :
- 8/1/2021: I discovered the Vulnerability.
- 13/1/2021: The vendor was informed about the vulnerability using .
- 8/2/2021: The vendor confirmed the vulnerability, and said will fix it in the next release.
- 9/2/2021: Request CVE ID.
- 18/02/2021: Assigned CVE-2021-27132.
- 25/02/2021: Public post.
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